Prof. Michele Caraglia
Prof. Michele Caraglia
Direttore responsabile dell'area Sequenziamento e Preparazione dei Campioni e siedera' nello Scientific Board di IMMUNOMICA


Professor Michele Caraglia was born in Naples on April 18, 1966, and graduated summa cum laude in Medicine and Surgery from the “Federico II” University of Naples in 1990. Since 1990, he has coordinated the Cell Biology Laboratory of the Department of Endocrinology and Molecular and Clinical Oncology at the “Federico II” University of Naples, and since 1998, he has been the scientific coordinator of the Signal Transduction Laboratory at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the former Second University of Naples. Since 2017, Professor Caraglia has been a full professor of biochemistry and holds the position of Medical Director at the Citometric and Mutational Diagnostic Unit of the University Hospital Policlinico Vanvitelli. Professor Michele Caraglia also obtained a summa cum laude specialization in oncology in 1994 from the “Federico II” University of Naples and a PhD in Cellular Biochemistry in 2002 from the Second University of Naples. Professor Michele Caraglia has supervised the activities of over 50 students in Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, and Medicine and is currently a tutor for several students in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biological and Biotechnology Sciences. He is also the coordinator of the Signal Transduction and Nucleotide Sequencing Laboratory at the Department of Precision Medicine of the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli” with a research group consisting of five graduates in Biological Sciences, one in Biotechnology, and one in Pharmacological Sciences, six PhD students, an associate professor, and a researcher.

Caraglia is the author of over 430 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed international journals with a Scopus H-index of 57 and 14278 total citations and meets the criteria for commissioner of the National Scientific Qualification Exam. He is also the author of numerous patents issued internationally. Caraglia is on the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed international journals and is Editor-in-Chief of “Open Cancer Immunology” and “Translational Medicine Reports.” His activity is mainly focused on cancer research, with a particular interest in microRNAs as therapeutic targets and diagnostic markers and the delivery of antineoplastic agents into tumor tissue through the use of nanovectors.

PubMed link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=caraglia+m.

Research link: http://www.medicinadiprecisione.unicampania.it/dipartimento/docenti-csa?MATRICOLA=059142.

Professor Caraglia will be the Responsible Director of the Sequencing and Sample Preparation area and will sit on the Scientific Board of IMMUNOMICA.

Qualifiche universitarie


Specializzazione in Oncologia summa cum laude presso l'Università “Federico II” di Napoli


dottorato di ricerca in Biochimica Cellulare presso la Seconda Università di Napoli